The development of the potential of the teaching staff. Reminiscences of the head teacher of an educational institution


  • Mariusz Dobijański



rozwój, potencjał osobowy, przywództwo, organizacja ucząca się


Organizational development has for some time been a key concept for those who
are entrusted with executive functions, and whose essence of management is based on the
engagement of people associated with the organization. The dynamics of changes taking
place in the organization's environment requires its constant adaptation to the conditions
and requirements resulting from these changes. The development of the potential of people
creating the organization is the result of proper organization of work and motivation (internal
and external) of each person involved. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the role
of the staff managing the organization and responsible for the development of the company's
resources. These people are increasingly required not to manage but to lead a team of
employees. The commitment of the employees and the degree of identification with the
goals and tasks of the organization constitute an opportunity to achieve the status of a learning
organization. This article is a reflection of the head teacher of a youth detention centre  associated with activities aimed at improving and developing the facility in an individual (personal) as well as organizational (process) dimension.


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How to Cite

Dobijański, M. (2019). The development of the potential of the teaching staff. Reminiscences of the head teacher of an educational institution. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 19(19(12), 79-88.