The degree of the child’s intellectual disability and the mothers’ parenting attitudes




parental attitudes of mothers, degree of intellectual disability


The aim of this research is to determine the differences between mothers' parental attitudes and the degree of the child's intellectual disability based on research conducted at the Special Educational and Educational Center in Puck and the Special Educational and Educational Center in Puck. Maria Grzegorzewska in Siedlce. The theoretical part of the work presents a typology of parental attitudes and a review of selected research on parental attitudes towards children with intellectual disabilities. The empirical part presents an analysis of the author's own research, which focuses on showing the differences between mothers' parental attitudes and the degree of intellectual disability of their children. Next, you can read the conclusions of the described research.


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How to Cite

Drzeżdzon, P. (2024). The degree of the child’s intellectual disability and the mothers’ parenting attitudes. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 24(17).