Stimulation of emotional development and innovations in education of Roma pupils


  • Ľudmila Krajčíriková


etnic minorities, Roma people, students, humanity, innovative education methods, emotional development, education, inclusion


Upbringing and education and education of pupils of Roma origin are changing, because of the specificity of this ethnic group and the established methods of education. The most important changes are in the student-teacher relationship. The teacher is not only a educator, but also a mentor of the child's development. Teachers have to support the emotional development of the individual and to give real support in difficult situations. in modern school it is very important to raise the effectiveness of the didactic process and upbringing. Learning must be interesting and attractive for students. The feelings and experiences of every person and the spiritual dimension of life are very important. Contemporary concepts in the center of attention put development of individual human abilities and predispositions. Education of Roma pupils is the subject of many discussions, not only in Slovakia, but also in those European countries, where Roma minorities live in. Particularly noteworthy are innovative education methods aimed at Roma students, and related to inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Krajčíriková, Ľudmila. (2019). Stimulation of emotional development and innovations in education of Roma pupils. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 18(18(11)2018), 97-111.