Skuteczność procesu motywacji pracowników w organizacji

The effectiveness of the process of motivation in an organization


  • Zbigniew Ciekanowski UKSW, Warszawa


organization, personnel management, motivation, appraisal


This article emphasized the role of motivation as the key factor in the management of a company. Motivation is a process aimed at increasing work efficiency and effectiveness. Its application depends on employees’ preferences and may take either a financial or non financial form such as promotion, increased independence or by allocation of more responsible tasks. The effectiveness of a non financial motivation depends on to what extent it satisfies the employees’ needs. The role of a good manager is the skilful use of material and non material measures in order to encourage employees to work more effectively. 


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How to Cite

Ciekanowski, Z. . (2021). Skuteczność procesu motywacji pracowników w organizacji: The effectiveness of the process of motivation in an organization. Management and Administration Journal, 24(97), 287–292. Retrieved from