The functioning of a person with an intellectual disability according to the opinions of students of the University of Siedlce
social attitudes, stereotypes, intellectual disabilityAbstract
The effect of shaping the ethics and culture of modern man is his attitude towards individuals who are different from him and his tolerance for non-uniformity. In connection with the above topic, research on the functioning of people with disabilities requires constant amendment and supplementation. The aim of the research was to learn students' views on the functioning of people with intellectual disabilities. The research was in the form of a diagnostic survey, carried out using an own questionnaire. The research was con-ducted among one hundred students from such fields as: pedagogy, other social sciences, medical sciences, exact and natural sciences, and humanities. The work consists of three main chapters. The first one shows the functions and types of social attitudes and characterizes the concept of social attitudes and stereotypes. The second one presents a description of the own research methodology. The third one presents the results of own research on how a person functions with intellectual disabilities. To get rid of all social barriers, inclusive education must continue to be promoted from an early age. This would eliminate all stereotypes, physical and mental barriers of society towards people with intellectual disabilities.
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