The effects of co‐teacherʹs work with a disabled student in a grammar school with integrated classrooms in Stanisław Konarski Grammar School in Radom – case study
co‐teacher, disabled student, integrated classroomAbstract
Integration in school enables disabled students to contact their peers and interact in classroom and school community. The process significantly boosts disabled children’s self‐esteem, motivates them to overcome difficulties and weaknesses, broadens their knowledge and interests. For the rest of the students, integration is an opportunity to help the weaker ones. It also teaches them sensitivity towards the disabled children’s hardships and makes them more tolerant and accepting.
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Inclusion in practice
How to Cite
Owczarek, M. (2021). The effects of co‐teacherʹs work with a disabled student in a grammar school with integrated classrooms in Stanisław Konarski Grammar School in Radom – case study. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 11(11(4), 83-119.