International experience of teaching deaf and hard of hearing students at university level − a short review


  • Beata Gulati


In this text the author presents just a short review, connected with the
international experience in teaching deaf and hard of hearing students abroad and in
Poland. The USA and the UK are shown as leading countries with their well known
Universities: Gallaudet and Deaf Studies in Bristol. The author also presents the
Norwegian experience, with its Bilingual and Cultural approach and Hungarian a more
oralistic one. Then she shows the background in Polish schools and Universities with
a focus on Teaching English to deaf and hard of hearing students. First attempts at Catholic
University in Lublin and in Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
conducted by the author of this paper are described. More information one can find in
Master’s Thesis by Beata Gulati which became the basis for this article.


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How to Cite

Gulati, B. (2021). International experience of teaching deaf and hard of hearing students at university level − a short review. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 15(15(8), 151-156.