Szkoła Rzymska. Szkic o jezuickiej eklezjologii i myśli politycznej w przededniu Soboru Watykańskiego I (część druga)


  • Adam WIELOMSKI Siedlce University, Poland



History, Jesuits, the First Vatican Council, theology


The second part of the article concerns the political thought of the Roman School, the issue that has received rather marginal treatment in the reflection on this movement. However, the author argues that the theology and ecclesiology of the Roman School have a political dimension, because they were constructed immediately after the Spring of Nations (1848-1849). Moreover, the Roman School put emphasis on such concepts as authority and tradition, which had a counter-revolutionary character in the nineteenth century. Although generally rather few theologians of that time touched upon politics , nevertheless when they did produce such politically inclined writings, the following topics could be distinguished: 1 / open criticism of political, social and cultural liberalism; 2 / affirmation of the traditional view in the relationship between the state and the Catholic Church, with the former in subordinate position to the latter; 3 / affirmation of papal infallibility in political issues, and 4 / defense of the independ-ence and integrity of the Papal State.


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2019-08-29 — Updated on 2014-09-09

How to Cite

WIELOMSKI , A. . (2014). Szkoła Rzymska. Szkic o jezuickiej eklezjologii i myśli politycznej w przededniu Soboru Watykańskiego I (część druga). Historia I Świat, 3, 153–183.