Религиозные и социальные аспекты траура по Маршалу Юзефу Пилсудскому в Станиславовском воеводстве = Religioznyye i sotsial'nyye aspekty traura po Marshalu YUzefu Pilsudskomu v Stanislavovskom voyevodstve





Piłsudski, national mourning, funeral, cult of the leader


The mourning after polish leader Marshall Joseph Pilsudski was very important event of political, religious and social nature. Respect for the leader was showed by churches: roman catholic, greek- catholic and jews. The Marschall Joseph Piłsudski was not a religious person, but his burial and mourning ceremony had religious and political character. In many religious and political ceremonies along the Poland attended whole society including national minorities.


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2019-08-28 — Updated on 2016-09-12

How to Cite

ROGUSKI, R. (2016). Религиозные и социальные аспекты траура по Маршалу Юзефу Пилсудскому в Станиславовском воеводстве = Religioznyye i sotsial’nyye aspekty traura po Marshalu YUzefu Pilsudskomu v Stanislavovskom voyevodstve. Historia I Świat, 5, 215–223. https://doi.org/10.34739/his.2016.05.13

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