Wojciech Korfanty and the Upper Silesia in the Times of Plebiscite and Silesian Uprisings in Arnotdt Bronnen’s Novel O.S.


  • Justyna Dawidowicz-Polak


Arnotdt Bronnen, Wojciech Korfanty, the Upper Silesia, plebiscite, O.S., novel


Wojciech Korfanty (1873-1939) belongs to the most controversial figures in the history of the Upper Silesia, Germany and Poland. He is perceived as a politician who was responsible for the partition of the Upper Silesia as a result of the plebiscite and Silesian Uprisings in 1921. Echoes of these controversies are also reflected in German literature and historiography of the interwar period. The Upper Silesia, during the period of the plebiscite and Silesian Uprisings, and Wojciech Korfanty as the most prominent figure of the time, appear in a novel O.S. (1929) written by Arnold Bronnen. In the face of rising political and social tensions in the 20-ties and 30-ties of the 20th century, certain stereotypes concerning both Polish and German nationalities gained political and social significance. The novel about the Upper Silesia was to make the reader aware of the reasons of the tragedy of this region. This area is characterized, on the one hand, by slow, indecisive democratic procedures, materialism and anarchy, but,
on the other hand, by effective Polish propaganda, abusing social slogans and arguments. Wojciech Korfanty was behind the latter, according to Bronnen's novel.


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How to Cite

Dawidowicz-Polak, J. (2021). Wojciech Korfanty and the Upper Silesia in the Times of Plebiscite and Silesian Uprisings in Arnotdt Bronnen’s Novel O.S. Conversatoria Litteraria, 8(VIII), 115-123. https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/conversatorialitteraria/article/view/2686