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Author Guidelines


  • Format: Word,
  • Margins: all margins 2,5,
  • Size: approx. 20 000 signs,
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12,
  • Author’s Name and Surname, affiliation: on the left, 12,
  • ORCID Number,
  • Article’s title: centered, capital letters, bold, 16,
  • Main text: aligned, indent 1,25 (automatic), interval 1,15,
  • Subtitles: centered, bold, 12,
  • Titles of literary texts should be italicize,
  • Citations longer than 3 lines, should be presented as block-citations, font 11, interval 1,
  • To mark the omissions use […],
  • References for monographs[1], references for edited monographs[2], references for collections of essays[3], references for journals[4], references referring to the previously made reference[5], references for the previously mentioned reference[6], references to the online resources[7], references to electronic documents[8],
  • Footnotes, font 10, interval 1,
  • Bibliography – surname, name initial(s), next follow the previously mentioned scheme of references.
  • Bibliography in Cyrillic letters should be transliterated according to PN-ISO 9:2000. Automatic transliteration can be done here, choosing the PN-ISO 9:2000 system: The original description, should be provided after the transliterated one in brackets.

[1] N. Surname, Book title in italics, City year, p. xx

[2] Book title in italics, (ed.), N. Surname, City year, p. xx

[3] I. Nazwisko, Book title in italics, in: Book title in italics, (ed.), N. Surname, City year, p. xx

[4] N. Surname, Book title in italics, „Journal’s title” year, nr x (xx), p. x.

[5] Ibidem, p. xx.

[6] N. Surname, op. cit., p. xx

[7], access date.

[8] N. Surname, Book title in italics,, access date.


Smirnov I., Krizis sovremennosti, Moskva 2010, [Смирнов И., Кризис современности, Москва 2010].

Braginskaâ N., Slavânskoe vozroždenie antičnosti, v: Russkaâ teoriâ 1920-1930-e gody, Moskva 2004, s. 49-80, [Брагинская Н., Славянское возрождение античности, в: Русская теория 1920-1930-е годы, Москва 2004, с. 49-80].

Kłańska M., Odyseusz, w: Mit – człowiek – literatura, Praca zbiorowa, Wstęp S. Stabryła, Warszawa 1992, s. 245-276.

Serman I., Puti i sudʹby Grigoriâ Gukovskogo, „Novoe literaturnoeobozrenie” 2002, № 3 (55), s. 54-65, [Серман И., Пути и судьбы Григория Гуковского, „Новое литературное обозрение” 2002, № 3 (55), с. 54-65].

Rosenfield K., Hölderlins Antigone und Sophokles‘ tragisches Paradoxon, „Poetica”, Band 33 (2001), Heft 3-4, S. 465-502.

 The following data should be provided in English and Polish:

  • Title,
  • Short summary (5-7 sentences)
  • Keywords
  • Information about the author (name, surname, academic title, affiliation (position, department, institute, city, country)

The author's statement must be attached to the application

The editors do not charge for publishing an article.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

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