Krčméryho politikum ako nemenná koncepcia v publicistických, kultúrno-osvetových a literárnych realizáciách


  • Josef Tatár

Słowa kluczowe:

Štefan Krčméry, Národné noviny, Matica slovenská, Czechoslovak Republic, national program, poetry, prose


Even though Štefan Krcmery's (1892 – 1955) conviction about the neces-sity of new thoughts and forms after 1918 made considerable impact on culture and art, it is not possible to apprehend this personality in isolation from broader socio-political needs of Slovakia. From the beginning of his activities in Martin he brought politicum into his essays. Cultural and historical consciousness can be
considered to be the determinant of his political views, because the newly established Czechoslovakia represented not just a political alliance, but the consciousness of solidarity and common interest of Czechs and Slovaks that had been created over the years. On the pages of the Národné noviny, a newspaper oriented on key political topics, he focused on constitutional reinforcement of Slovakia
and development impulses. He supported strong Czechoslovak Republic and rejected suspicions of separatism and conditioned reinforcement of republic by long term or definite warranties of victory over outer and inner enemies, however not jumping into conclusions in the questions of ideological and political battle. Revolutionary changes were considered as momentarily out of date, later
he admitted a possibility of revolutionary turns in socio-political relationships in global scale. He established and realized a national program. The positive aspect of Krcmery's social (political) lyric as well as prosaic works is the formation of pride and self-confidence of a nation. However, Krcmery's realization of national resurgence in the conditions of complicated opinion battle led to some problems
and simplifying solutions as well.


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Jak cytować

Tatár, J. (2021). Krčméryho politikum ako nemenná koncepcia v publicistických, kultúrno-osvetových a literárnych realizáciách. Conversatoria Litteraria, 9(IX).

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