The Latin verb vīdī and its cognates in Germanic and Slavic
Gr. oĩda, Lat. vīdī, Gmc. *witan, OCS vědě, Eng. wit, Pol. wiedziećAbstract
The article presents a brief historical account of the spread of Latin in Europe against the sociocultural background, including language contact. Latin left significant imprints on the cultural heritage of pre-, inter- and postmediaeval world, but it was not the only language associated with prestige, religion and education in older times. The article sketches the similarities, mutual relationships and contacts between Latin, Greek, Germanic and Slavic (attested in documents, the lexis and the writing systems of the latter daughter languages). In a microperspective, the present contribution focuses on the morphological and semantic peculiarities of the cognate verbs: Gr. oĩda, Lat. vīdī, Gmc. *witan (with special emphasis on Eng. wit, wot, wist, weet, etc.), and OCS vědě (with special emphasis on Pol. wiedzieć).
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