Does advertising have to sell? Reflections on the rhetoric of advertising have not always focused on consumerism through the prism of Oliviero Toscani’s book Advertising. Smiling scrum


  • Justyna Aleksandrzak Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań



advertising, rhetoric, emotions, persuasion, manipulation


This article is part of the broad theme of advertising. In it, the author briefly presents the history of advertising, going back to ancient times, and discusses the rhetoric of advertising based on the artistic work of Oliviero Toscani. In doing so, she takes into account his critical view of advertising and explains how promotional messages affect people. The visual sphere of advertising is also highlighted in the discussion. In her considerations, the author comes to the conclusion that traditionally understood advertising, which is exclusively sales-oriented and operates with an unsophisticated message, does not have to be the only form of advertising objects and services. Depending on the tools used and the author's vision, advertising can dramatically change its face, acting as a counter to consumerism.


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How to Cite

Does advertising have to sell? Reflections on the rhetoric of advertising have not always focused on consumerism through the prism of Oliviero Toscani’s book Advertising. Smiling scrum. (2023). Conversatoria Linguistica, 15.