Polskie sądy wojskowe w Armii Polskiej gen. Władysława Andersa w ZSRS oraz na Bliskim i Środkowym Wschodzie (1941-1943)

Polish military courts in the Polish Army of General Władysław Anders in the USSR and Near and the Middle East (1941-1943)


  • Leszek Kania Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Prawnych

Słowa kluczowe:

Polish Army, Władysław Anders, court-martial, dezertion, criminal punishemnt


The paper examines organisation and mechanics of polish court-martial in the Polish Army under Leadership of General Władysław Anders within the Soviet Union and Middle East in 1941-1943. Court-martial were a necessary tool to treat the problem of demoralisation influenced mainly by the communism traitors and military criminals. Man issues included jewish desertion and accountability against crimes that benefited the Soviet Union idea.


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Jak cytować

Kania, L. . (2021). Polskie sądy wojskowe w Armii Polskiej gen. Władysława Andersa w ZSRS oraz na Bliskim i Środkowym Wschodzie (1941-1943): Polish military courts in the Polish Army of General Władysław Anders in the USSR and Near and the Middle East (1941-1943). Management and Administration Journal, 27(100), 39–65. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/2296