Struktury terytorialne Polski i Ukrainy

Territorial structure of Polish and Ukrainian


  • Kazimierz Fiedorowicz Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Prawnych

Słowa kluczowe:

territorial division, differentiation regional, province, district, measurement differences


This paper presents a comparison of the levels of territorial divisions Polish and Ukrainian and comparison of regional differences occurring in both countries. This comparison was carried out in the framework of research on the compatibility of national economies of the two countries. Carried out a comparative analysis of both territorial structures for the three levels of the structure, the regional, local and local level. The occurrence of major similarities of these structures. Then compared regional differences for indicators of urbanization, entrepreneurship, exports and national income produced and used. It was found that regional variations of these indicators in Ukraine are twice higher than in Poland.
Efforts were made to identify the causes of these differences. This allowed the place trying to diversify the structure of a synthetic assessment of Territorial both countries. It shows that the territorial structures of the two countries in the field of qualitative evaluation are similar, and the evaluation of quantitative differ. For a basic meter, which is the GDP produced / 1 inhabitant, extreme regional differences in the two countries are like 10 to 1.


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Jak cytować

Fiedorowicz, K. . (2021). Struktury terytorialne Polski i Ukrainy: Territorial structure of Polish and Ukrainian. Management and Administration Journal, 28(101), 75–84. Pobrano z