Odpowiedzialność za naruszenia prawa autorskiego w polskim systemie prawnym

Liability for infringements of copyright law in Polish legal system


  • Łukasz Ciołek Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

Słowa kluczowe:

copyright, liability, infringements of copyright law


Revealing chosen matter of responsibility for enforcement of copyright and related rights on the basis of the Polish legal system is the aim of this publication. The author’s rights protection which lays the foundation of copyright regulation encompasses a lot of legal aspects, among which the problem of enforcement of these exclusive rights plays a vital part. The matters of responsibility and its expansion are currently the object of spirited discussion and initiatives which are being taken at international and European Union level, which however, has an influence on domestic regulations. This publication is an attempt to introduce current regulations that constitute rules of responsibility for people who enforce copyright, knowledge of which is essential to understand the directions of postulating changes. The problem of initiatives concerning the responsibility for breaking the copyright law, however, interesting, according to its wide subject-matter could not be undertaken in this publication.


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Jak cytować

Ciołek, Łukasz . (2021). Odpowiedzialność za naruszenia prawa autorskiego w polskim systemie prawnym: Liability for infringements of copyright law in Polish legal system. Management and Administration Journal, 30(103), 253–270. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/2095