Wykorzystanie miejsc noclegowych w gospodarstwach ekoagroturystycznych położonych w regionach o zróżnicowanej atrakcyjności przyrodniczej

The utilization of the accommodation in ecoagrotouristic farms located in regions with diverse natural attractiveness


  • Grażyna Anna Ciepiela Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
  • Anna Balińska Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach

Słowa kluczowe:

eco-agrotouristic farm, rural recreational space attractiveness indicator, accommodation utilization indicator, market share, market penetration


The study was conducted in 2010 and it included 50 eco-agrotouristic farms, located in 5 provinces (mazowieckie, podlaskie, podkarpackie, świetorzyskie and warmińsko-mazurskie). The subject of the analysis was the size and the utilization of the accommodation in these farms in 2009. The results indicate that the accommodation size in the examined farms was rather small. There was no farm with accommodation exceeding 5 rooms, and the number of beds in a single farm ranged from 2 to 34. The highest utilization of the accommodation was reported in warmińsko-mazurskie province (48%) and in podkarpackie province (30.9%), and the lowest in świętokrzyskie region (10.4%). The accommodation utilization indicator in mazowieckie and warmińsko-mazurskie province was significantly positively correlated with the value of the rural recreational space attractiveness indicator. In 29 surveyed farms (58% ) the actual market share (market penetration) was negative. Most of the farms with a negative indicator were in the podkarpackie province (67 %) and the fewest in mazowieckie province (30%). In warmińsko-mazurskie province the indicator of the participation of sold accommodation in the total market (market share) was slightly significantly positively correlated with the value of the rural recreational space attractiveness indicator. In the other provinces such statistical correlation was
not proven.


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Jak cytować

Ciepiela, G. A. ., & Balińska, A. (2021). Wykorzystanie miejsc noclegowych w gospodarstwach ekoagroturystycznych położonych w regionach o zróżnicowanej atrakcyjności przyrodniczej: The utilization of the accommodation in ecoagrotouristic farms located in regions with diverse natural attractiveness. Management and Administration Journal, 30(103), 123–136. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/2080