Bezpieczeństwo narodowe Ukrainy w kontekście jej podstaw konstytucyjnych i położenia geopolitycznego – węzłowe zagadnienia

National Security of Ukraine in the context of its constitutional foundations and geopolitical location – tied issues


  • Paweł A. Leszczyński, prof. nzw. Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim

Słowa kluczowe:

Ukraine, National Security, Constitution, Geopolitical Location, Foreign Policy, European Union, NATO, Russia


In the present paper the author attempts a general characterization of the national security policy of Ukraine in the context of its constitutional foundations and geopolitical location. The security policy of Ukraine is determined by several factors and in particular by the economic interests, geographical position, political system („oligarchic democracy”) and possible alliance with the European Union, United States and NATO. These factors work together with the historical experiences and political relations with countries of the Post-Soviet area, especially with Russia under V. V. Putin regime. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 18 March 2014 violated rules of international law, because for the end of the Cold War the borders in East Europe were redrawn by use of force. The author tries to present the conceptions, documents and practical implications of the Ukrainian national security policy.


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Jak cytować

Leszczyński, prof. nzw., P. A. . (2021). Bezpieczeństwo narodowe Ukrainy w kontekście jej podstaw konstytucyjnych i położenia geopolitycznego – węzłowe zagadnienia: National Security of Ukraine in the context of its constitutional foundations and geopolitical location – tied issues. Management and Administration Journal, 30(103), 49–65. Pobrano z