Pozapłacowe instrumenty motywowania w organizacji

Non-wage instruments to motivate the organization


  • Zbigniew Ciekanowski Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie

Słowa kluczowe:



Established theories of motivation show various points of view of motivating, yet they
are similar in terms of the assumptions and methods of research. It is not possible to create one
master to motivate all employees, because everyone is different and has different needs. Presented motivating tools show that motivation is a complex process and an essential element of
functioning the business correctly. Carefully selected tools will motivate the employee to perform at the highest level. At the end there are showed the conclusions on employee motivation.


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Jak cytować

Ciekanowski, Z. . (2021). Pozapłacowe instrumenty motywowania w organizacji: Non-wage instruments to motivate the organization. Management and Administration Journal, 26(99), 177–185. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/1956