Ocena procesu wdrażania systemów zarządzania środowiskiem na świecie
Evaluation of the implementation of environmental management systems in the world
Słowa kluczowe:
system, environmental management system, improvementAbstrakt
Numerous studies have confirmed a number of benefits from the adoption of ISO 14001 manifested external recognition and market advantages. Environmental management systems are a great tool to improve organization, indicate areas, that thanks to the management of the environment, are covered by a specific control and are subject to improvement and development of the organization. Benefits which can also be calculated: improving communication in the organization, to improve skills, knowledge and attitudes, increase employee morale.
Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.
Jak cytować
Senkus, P., Skrzypek, A., & Łuczak, M. . (2021). Ocena procesu wdrażania systemów zarządzania środowiskiem na świecie: Evaluation of the implementation of environmental management systems in the world. Management and Administration Journal, 30(103), 115-122. https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/2078