Unifying the regulation of budget accounting


  • Monika Wakuła


harmonisation, standardisation, budget accounting


The unity of information from financial reports of economic entities from various countries
in the era of globalization takes on particular importance. To achieve such information, harmonization
and standardization of accounting rules in which the final result is financial reporting is
necessary. The data obtained from financial reports is also the basis for appraising the authorities
on the ways public funds are managed. Therefore, it is important for the included information to be
reliable, credible and comparable. It can be provided by the introduction of International Public
Sector Accounting Standards.


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How to Cite

Wakuła, M. . (2019). Unifying the regulation of budget accounting. Management and Administration Journal, 38(111), 41–50. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/628