The improvement of international touristic business based on the model of informational products distribution


  • Olga Sazonets
  • Marianna Hankina


Information, Information Technology (IT), Tourist enterprise


In the paper statistical data of Information technology development during 2008-2017 and a further forecast till 2019 are presented. They were found to increase by 115 billion dollars. The authors present references on the basis of using methods of dynamic programming in economic processes. Being based on the algorithm of building the model of dynamic programming the problem of the optimal distribution of information products among tourist enterprises functioning in the city of Dnipro (Ukraine) is solved. The purposeful function and restrictions concerning the problem of optimizing the usage of programming products are presented. As a result of calculations of the optimal distribution of information products among tourist enterprises the purposeful function is received, that shows the maximum additional income which constitutes 349000 thousand UAH. Information products are distributed as follows: the capacity of tourist operators is 6000 UAH, the capacity of tourist agencies is 5250 UAH, the capacity of aviation ticket offices is 750 UAH, the capacity of excursion bureaus is 3000, the capacity of enterprises of sports tourism is 2250 UAH, the capacity of enterprises of entrance/departure tourism is 2250 UAH It was revealed that the needs of tourist enterprises of the city of Dnipro in information products are fully provided.


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How to Cite

Sazonets, O. ., & Hankina, M. . (2019). The improvement of international touristic business based on the model of informational products distribution. Management and Administration Journal, 45(118), 15–22. Retrieved from