Zdrowotne, społeczne i ekonomiczne wymiary jakości usług zdrowotnych

Health, social and economic dimensions of the quality of health services


  • Valerii Grynchutskyi Narodowy Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Tarnopolu
  • Nadiia Machuga Narodowy Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Tarnopolu


quality of health services, public health dimensions of quality in health care, the factors formation of quality, quality management


The purpose of this article is to discuss issues related to the quality of health services
evaluations. The analysis covered aspects of the formation of good quality health care. Meters
were considered as a quality of the health services, and the factors that affect the quality of medical services were described. There were also proposed recommendations for the Ukraine regarding the introduction of the quality of health services.


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How to Cite

Grynchutskyi, V. ., & Machuga, N. . (2021). Zdrowotne, społeczne i ekonomiczne wymiary jakości usług zdrowotnych: Health, social and economic dimensions of the quality of health services. Management and Administration Journal, 24(97), 125–132. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/1989