Nowe trendy konsumenckie a sukces organizacji

New consumer trends and the success of the organization


  • Stanisław Tkaczyk Politechnika Warszawska COBRO - Instytut Badawczy Opakowań w Warszawie
  • Jolanta Kołuda Politechnika Warszawska Wydział Zarządzania


Consumer, market, homogenization, heterogenization, consumption globalization, consumer ethnocentrism, deconsumption, domocentrism, ecologization of life, political consumerism, consumer boycott


Issues regarding transformations of the consumer behaviour in highly developed countries were presented in the dissertation. Selected aspects relating to the new consumer
trends growing, inter alia, due to the purchasers surfeit caused by excessive consumption and
the necessity of consumer protection from implications of oriented toward profit maximization
company activities were discussed. It was also reported that a new view of the present consumer and redefinition of terms such as “the consumer needs” could be one of the ways to obtain
domination in the market.


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How to Cite

Tkaczyk, S., & Kołuda, J. (2021). Nowe trendy konsumenckie a sukces organizacji: New consumer trends and the success of the organization. Management and Administration Journal, 24(97), 23–41. Retrieved from