Przestępstwo stalkingu w regulacji kodeksu karnego

The crime of stalking in the regulation of the Criminal Code


  • Jarosław Chamernik Uniwersytet Łódzki Wydział Prawa


persistence, harassment, insecurity, violation of privacy


One of the special provisions of Part of the Criminal Code the offense of stalking
is penalized by Law in art. 190a § 1. This provision was introduced by Law on the 25th February
2011 to amend the Criminal Code Act, announced on April 5th, 2011, which entered into force
in June 2011. Stalking is defined as the persistent harassment or inducing circumstances justifiable to a sense of threat or significant invasion of privacy of another person or persons close to
it. This article attempts to present conditions for the legal regulation of the crime of stalking
in Poland and selected European countries.


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How to Cite

Chamernik, J. (2021). Przestępstwo stalkingu w regulacji kodeksu karnego: The crime of stalking in the regulation of the Criminal Code. Management and Administration Journal, 26(99), 307–320. Retrieved from