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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Only original scientific papers in Polish, English and other congress languages ​​  are published in  "Management and Administration Journal" 

The editorial board of "Management and Administration Journal" follows the policy of preventing the cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship.

2. Technical requirements for the papers and manuscript preparation
  • The article should be 12-15 page long in the A4 format (including tables, figures, references and abstract).
  • The texts should be written with 12-point Times New Roman (TNR) with 1.5 line spacing. It is acceptable to single out parts of the text with italics. Do not use underlining.
  • Paper title - 12-point font size, bold, centred.
  • Subheadings - bold, left-aligned
  • The whole text (apart from the paper title and subheadings) - justified, indented paragraphs; do not use any forms of text division such as section or line breaks.
  • Diagrams, photos, graphs (referred to always as figures) and tables should be numbered. Figures and tables should be placed close to the part of text that refers to them.
  •  Captions for tables - 12-point TNR; 1.0 line spacing in tables. All headings - centred. Text and figures in tables - 10-point TNR. Only horizontal lines.
  • Captions for figures - 12-point TNR placed directly under the figure and labelled Figure X. Description of the figure (Arial font). 8 to 10-point font size. Figures cannot be wider than 12.5 cm.
  • The tables should be paced without internal shading, and the pictures should be placed in grey scale (without colours).
  • Bibliography should be written only in the Latin alphabet.
  • Bibliography should contain foreign literature.

3. Paper layout

Title page (separate file - Word document)

Article text (separate file -Word document)

  • Title of the paper (in Polish and in English).
  • Abstract in English (maximally 200 words) and abstract in Polish. The abstracts should refer to each part of the paper, i.e. introduction and the purpose of research, research materials and test methods used in the paper, and the most important findings and conclusions. It is necessary to use all keywords in the abstracts (it will make it easier for the interested to find the paper).
  • Keywords in English and in Polish (maximally 6).
  • The text should consist of the following parts: Introduction, Literature review, Methodology and theoretical basis, Results and discussion, Conclusions, References.
  • Should you have any other doubts, please refer to the APA Style at (
4. In-text citations

Please, follow the instruction below when quoting other authors’ publications:
  • Verbatim quotations: (Kowalski, 2012, p. 27)
  • Indirect quotations (paraphrases or summaries): (Kowalski, 2012)
  • Should you refer to a number of works by different authors, please organise them in the chronological order: (Kowalski, 2011; Nowak, 2014; Skalski, 2017)
5. References

The reference list should be in an alphabetical order, under the APA style standard ( Each source cited (no less than 15 sources in total) should be presented as illustrated below. If the titles are in a language other than English, please put the
title in English in square brackets.
  • Book (1-3 authors):
    Griffin, R.W. (2017). Podstawy zarządzania organizacjami. [Fundamentals of organization
    management]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
  • Edited books:
    Kardas, J.S., Wójcik-Augustyniak, M. (Eds.). (2017). Zarządzanie w przedsiębiorstwie. Środowisko,
    procesy, systemy, zasoby.[Enterprise management. Environment, processes, systems, resources].
    Warszawa: Difin.
  • Edited book found in a database:
    Ćwik, N. (Ed.). (2012). Odpowiedzialny Biznes. [Responsible Business]. Retrieved from
  • Chapter in a book:
    Szajczyk, M. (2017). Zarządzanie projektami. [Project management], in: J.S. Kardas, M. Wójcik-
    Augustyniak (Eds.), Zarządzanie w przedsiębiorstwie. Środowisko, procesy, systemy, zasoby (pp. 358-
    364). [Enterprise management. Environment, processes, systems, resources]. Warszawa: Difin.
  • Journ alarticle:
    Podstawka, M., Świrska, A. (2015). Optymalizacja wpływów do budżetów gmin z tytułu subwencji
    wyrównawczej. [Optimization of revenues to communes' budgets due to the compensatory subsidy].
    Zeszyty Naukowe UPH w Siedlcach nr 106. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie (33) 2015, 173-184.
  • Article with DOI assigned:
    Podstawka, M., Świrska, A. (2015). Optymalizacja wpływów do budżetów gmin z tytułu subwencji
    wyrównawczej. [Optimization of revenues to communes' budgets due to the compensatory subsidy].
    Zeszyty Naukowe UPH w Siedlcach nr 106. Seria: Administracja i Zarządzanie (33) 2015, 173-184.
    DOI: xxxx.
  • Online source that is not a journal article, book or chapter:
    Kowal, N. (2012). Wspólna odpowiedzialność. [Shared Responsibility]. Retrieved fromólna-odpowiedzialność.pdf.
  • Legal act:
    Act of 6 September 2001 on road transport. Journal of Laws 2001 No 125, item 874, as amended. [Act
    of September 6, 2001. Road Transport]
A specimen of the layout can be found here.

Submission process

Login or Register to make a submission -

The instruction for authors can be found here.
The statement form can be found here.
The declaration form can be found here.

7. Reviewing process
  • Each paper is evaluated by the thematic editor and then handed over to the chief editor. Should the article meet the substantive requirements and be within the scope of the Journal, the chief editor decides to send it to reviewers.
  • After the author pays the publication fee, the papers that have been accepted by both thematic editor and chief editor are sent to two independent reviewers for double-blind peer review.
  • The reviews are made in writing and end with a clear reviewer’s conclusion whether the paper is recommended for publication or not. The paper is not published if it receives either one or two negative reviews.
      Evaluation results and further procedures:

    A:        Very good paper - the paper is accepted for publication without sending it to the author.
                 The author is informed about the positive reviews.
  B:        Changes in the paper required
  • The paper is sent to the author so that s/he can make the changes suggested by the reviewer/s. Then the corrected paper with author’s reply to the issues raised by reviewer/s needs to be sent back to the editorial board. The chief editor decides whether the paper is accepted for publication.
  • The paper is sent to the author so that s/he can make the major changes suggested by the reviewer. Then the corrected paper with author’s reply to the issues raised by reviewer needs to be sent back to the editorial board. The paper is again handed over to the reviewer, and the author may be obliged to cover the cost of the additional review of the corrected version of the paper.
      C:      Poor paper - the paper is not recognised as a text for publication and cannot be reviewed again.

The reviewers cooperating with the editorial board are listed in each issue of "Management and Administration Journal".

The review form can be found here.

8. Publication fee

The publication fee charged for a paper accepted for publication is PLN 492 gross. Should the paper not be accepted for publication after being negatively reviewed, the author is charged PLN 100 for each review made. The unused amount is returned to the author/authors.

                  The payment should be made to the following bank account:

Uniwersytet  w Siedlcach
Account number 19 1240 2685 1111 0000 3656 3195
“Publication of a paper in "Management and Administration Journal" 
 Authors’ names and surnames”


Treść polityki prywatności.

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