Directions in logistics coordination in cities and metropolitan areas: economic-mathematical vision


  • Maryna F. Averkyna


economic-mathematical modelling, model, transport logistics coordination, financial logisticscoordination, information logistics coordination


The article is devoted to the formation of an economic-mathematical model of logistic coordination
flows in cities and metropolitan areas. The author reveals the essence, objectives and priorities of
the transport, financial and information logistics coordination. The model of logistic coordination of
transport flows is proposed. The model of logistics coordination of financial flows in cities and metropolitan
areas, based on the Black-Scholes model, is proposed. The model of logistics coordination of information
flows is proposed.


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How to Cite

Averkyna, M. F. . (2019). Directions in logistics coordination in cities and metropolitan areas: economic-mathematical vision. Management and Administration Journal, 38(111), 121–130. Retrieved from