Becoming a prosumer − the new possibilities of the energy customer

Prosument − nowe możliwości dla odbiorcy energii


  • dr Anna Pamuła Uniwersytet Łódzki


Smart Grid, Energy market, prosumer


Greater energy efficiency is an essential part of overcoming the challenges facing the energy sector. More energy is expected to come from renewable resources (RES) in order to reduce
dependency on fossil fuels. The next generation power network called the Smart Grid (SG) will allow customers to make informed decisions about their energy consumption. The role of the typical energy customer evaluates from passive to active. Households with rooftop solar panels, small wind turbines or micro CHPs will no longer be only consumers of energy provided by the grid, but instead will become energy ‘prosumers’ – producing, consuming, managing and even trading energy.The paper will discuss the idea of the prosumer in the SG and present some current European schemes of supporting energy from renewables. The short result of Polish residential customer inclination to purchase DER based of survey done in central Poland region in 2013 will be presented.


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How to Cite

Pamuła, A. . (2021). Becoming a prosumer − the new possibilities of the energy customer: Prosument − nowe możliwości dla odbiorcy energii. Management and Administration Journal, 29(102), 161–168. Retrieved from