Uwarunkowania doskonalenia system zarządzania jakością w organizacji zhierarchizowanej

Conditions of improving the quality management system in hierarchical organizations


  • Henryk Wyrębek Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach


improving traditional quality management tools, sophisticated tools of quality management, linear- military staff organizational structure


In hierarchical organizations, the quality management system is expected to introduce clear rules on the strategic level, for example by providing the necessary resources and infrastructure, shaping the work environment and communication channels (external and internal), to acquire and analyze information about the functioning of the system and to introduce the tools for continuous improvement . Quality improvement tools are used to collect and process data related to various aspects of quality. These instruments function to monitor and diagnose processes. Their importance stems from the fact that without reliable and complete information, it is difficult to take an effective action for systematic improvement of the quality management system. This article attempts to present conditions for improving the quality management system in the organization of hierarchical structure, as an example of a linear - military staff structure. Empirical studies were carried out using such methods as analyzing source documents, participant observation, and a diagnostic survey using interviews and questionnaires.


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How to Cite

Wyrębek, H. (2021). Uwarunkowania doskonalenia system zarządzania jakością w organizacji zhierarchizowanej: Conditions of improving the quality management system in hierarchical organizations. Management and Administration Journal, 25(98), 279–286. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/znadministracja/article/view/2214