Opłacalność działalności turystycznej w gospodarstwach agroturystycznych środkowo-wschodniej Polski
Profitability of tourism activities in agrotouristic farms in central-eastern Poland
Ostrowski, Siemiatycki, Parczewski districts, accommodation utilization indicator, fair share, market share, market penetration, gross margin, revenue per occupied room (POR), revenue per available room (PAR)Abstract
The study was conducted in 2012 and included 30 farms located in three districts
(ostrowski, siemiatycki, parczewski). The analyses included the utilisation of agrotouristic accommodation facilities in 2011 and the economic effects of such tourism activities. The results indicate that the volume of accommodation in the surveyed households was not large. In none of the households the number of guest rooms has exceed 5 and the adequate accommodation volume ranged from 6 to 20. The utilisation of accommodation averaged at 4.8%. Its highest value was recorded in the parczewski district (5.66%). The "market penetration" indicator was in the range between -9.6% and 17.53%, and in 17 agrotouristic farms (56.7%) it had a negative value. Average annual revenue from tourism was 9524.92 PLN and it was the highest in the parczewski district (11,344.52 PLN). The value of POR indicator amounted between 29,78 to 65,74 PLN, and respectively the value of PAR indicator: 0,49-5,63 PLN.