Dofinansowanie na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej – ocena skuteczności walki z bezrobociem na przykładzie PUP w Koszalinie

Grants to start a business - assess the effectiveness of the fight against unemployment for example PUP in Koszalin


  • Emilia Nadolna Politechnika Koszalińska Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych
  • Beata Granosik Politechnika Koszalińska Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych




Poland joined the European Union had to adjust regulations on labor market policies.
In 2004, the Act on employment promotion and labor market institutions, which introduced the division
of services and labor market instruments. Subsidies for Employment Fund to undertake economic activities throughout the country, have become an important stimulus for the establishment of economic
activities. The aim of the study is an attempt to assess the effectiveness of an instrument of active labor market policy, which is a one-off grant of unemployed people to take up economic activities in the
years 2010-2012 on the example of the PUPs in Koszalin. In developing a thesis that agents from
the Labour Fund PLO in Koszalin granted to start a business unemployed are an efficient and effective instrument of active labor market policies. When assessing the effectiveness of that was used internal documents, reports coming from the PUP Koszalin and Szczecin VLO and studies MLSP.
The study used indicators of employment effectiveness and cost.


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How to Cite

Nadolna, E., & Granosik, B. . (2021). Dofinansowanie na rozpoczęcie działalności gospodarczej – ocena skuteczności walki z bezrobociem na przykładzie PUP w Koszalinie: Grants to start a business - assess the effectiveness of the fight against unemployment for example PUP in Koszalin. Management and Administration Journal, 26(99), 211–223. Retrieved from