Ocena sytuacji finansowej firmy POLDANOR S.A. w latach 2010–2011
Evaluation of the financial situation of POLDANOR S.A. in the period 2010-2011
Poldanor S.A. is a company in good financial situation. From the perspective of its
effectiveness, the company uses mercantile credits, but at low level. The company itself offers
long term period of payment. Stocks are renewed on average more than 3 times a year. Poldanor S.A. is a profitable company that earns on each level of its activity what testifies to good potential of firm. Poldanor S.A. also uses the positive effects of financial leverage. The solvency
rates show that the level of liabilities of the company is kept on the safe level and Poldanor S.A.
has no problems with repayment of the interest and capital from the credit. Pursuant to the available data from the financial statements and the scope of the presented analysis the company
has to be assessed positively.