Journals on the post-Soviet area in Poland in the years 1989-2013




czasopisma, Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, Azja Centralna, Kaukaz Południowy, Związek Radziecki, polityka wschodnia


The article attempts at a description of the journals concerning Russia, the countries of the Middle and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus in the years 1989-2013, i.e. before Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. The first part justifies the reasons for the choice of such a topic. Almost the whole of the discussed area, throughout much of the twentieth century, was a part of the Soviet Union or was politically and militarily dependent within the framework of the Warsaw Pact. The countries of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Caucasus also form,
nowadays, subject of interest of the Russian Federation. We shall bear in mind, that the majority of essential political, economic and social events, both in Russia and in other post-Soviet countries, does influence our geopolitical situation, mainly in the context of the outside security of
Poland and its striving to secure its own position in the Middle-Eastern Europe region and the European Union. The second part lists the common features of the discussed journals. Later, based on the groups selected, individual journals are further discussed. The summary includes an attempt at describing the significance of the discussed segment of journals in the process of establishing the concepts shaping the eastern politics of the Polish government.


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How to Cite

Borowik, B. (2024). Journals on the post-Soviet area in Poland in the years 1989-2013. Tempus, 2.