Inspiracje Komeńskiego i o Komeńskim. Szkic o planie kształcenia językowego z wieku XVII i jego znaczeniu dla współczesności



Jan Amos Komenski, Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen, language education, history of pedagogical thought, didactics, key competences


This outline is an attempt to answer the questions concerning the scientific foundation and, above all, the inspiration of modern didactic and pedagogical concepts of John Amos Comenius by works of authors whose pedagogical and philosophical solutions appeared in the first half of the 17th century, especially the legacy of Sebastian Petrycy of Pilsen, in the context of foreign languages specifications and plans for teaching them. Educational, cultural and social contexts, as well as the media revolution of the 17th and 21st centuries, are the starting point for these considerations. Analysis of some excerpts from Sebastian Petrycy's Przydatki, comeniologists', contemporary educators’, scientists’ and a Nobel Prize winner's works are essential in an attempt to formulate answers to these questions. Establishing the extent of inspiration which appeared to be important to Comenius may prove to be significant in the context of studying the significance of this great pedagogue's ideas for the development of science and education.


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How to Cite

Michalkiewicz-Gorol, A. (2021). Inspiracje Komeńskiego i o Komeńskim. Szkic o planie kształcenia językowego z wieku XVII i jego znaczeniu dla współczesności. Siedleckie Zeszyty Komeniologiczne Seria Pedagogika, 8(8), 141-156.