The journal “Siedlce Comeniological Research Bulletin. Education Studies Series” has been published since 2014 and deals with Comenius issues in a broad sense. The journal SZK, Pedagogy series, is addressed to authors who deal with the thought of John Amos Comenius mainly from the perspective of social sciences and humanities.

The journal refers not only to theoretical studies on Comenius issues in the disciplines of philosophy, history, linguistics, literary studies, art sciences, Polish studies, family sciences, social communication and media sciences, sociological sciences, pedagogy, psychology, biblical sciences, theological sciences, but also to the practical perspective of applying the principles of education, including religious education, and didactics of J.A. Comenius in contemporary trends of psycho-social development. Authors of materials published in the journal can point to the manifold application of Comenius in literature and art.

ISSN: 2450‐7245

e-ISSN: 2658-1973


In the discipline: philosophy, history, linguistics, literary studies, art sciences, Polish studies, family sciences, social communication and media sciences, sociological sciences, pedagogy, psychology, biblical sciences, theological sciences

INDEX: IndexCopernicus,  Biblioteka Nauki, Most Wiedzy, CEONCEJSHBaza Wiedzy UwS

LICENSE: Creative Commons - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0 Polska


PUBLISHER: University of Siedlce.  

Scientific Publishing House UwS, ul. Żytnia 17/19, DS. 5, 08-110 Siedlce,