Artificial intelligence as a mean of supporting inclusive education




sztuczna inteligencja, edukacja włączająca, uczeń


Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science that focuses on creating programs and computer systems capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. It involves researching and defining the rules governing intelligent human behaviors and applying them in algorithms and programs. Artificial Intelligence's objective is to solve problems, make decisions, learn from data, understand natural language, process images and sounds, among many other capabilities. It is divided into various categories, such as weak AI, strong AI, machine learning, neural networks, and general artificial intelligence. AI has a tremendous impact on various aspects of human life, including industry, transpor-tation, medicine, commerce, agriculture, and education. In education, AI can support students through personalized learning, adaptive learning, speech and text recognition, assistive technologies, identification of students' weaknesses, as well as fostering collabora-tion and communication. The implementation of AI in inclusive education can provide more effective teaching methods, tailor the learning process to individual students' needs, and support students with various difficulties in fully participating in the educational process. However, there are also risks involved, such as a potential lack of critical thinking and empathy in students, as well as dependency on technology, which requires attention and appropriate remedial action.



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How to Cite

Koziej, S. (2023). Artificial intelligence as a mean of supporting inclusive education. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 16(23).