Dog-therapy as a method to support the development of persons with intellectual disability – some aspects


  • Wiktor Bogusław Boruta


Dog-therapy is the most natural way to "smuggle" difficult and sometimes tedious exercises supporting the rehabilitation of children and young people mentally or physically disabled with the help of dogs properly selected, prepared and trained for this purpose. Research [Boguszewski, 2013] exhibit excellent effect of contact with the dog on the health and human psyche regardless of age, gender, state of health or the level of disability. The article deals with the issue of cooperation in the dog-therapist's support of the treatment of people with intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome and autism spectrum. Article identifies the main areas of the use of dogs in the rehabilitation of people, analyzes available scientific literature on this subject and the results of studies, including the World Health Organization [Karwacka, 2006], the research on the canine impact on the human body conducted by K. Allen from the University at Buffalo, New York, USA.


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How to Cite

Boruta, W. B. . (2019). Dog-therapy as a method to support the development of persons with intellectual disability – some aspects. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 17(17(10)2017), 173-185.