The social safety of disable people


  • Jadwiga Żuk
  • Małgorzata Walczuk


the social safety, social policy, disable people


The safety need is one of the most important among people’s needs. The meaning of social safety is interdisciplinary. When we actually think about the meaning of the social safety within disable people, we can see that it becomes much more serious. It is really important to understand what the social safety means, what danger it brings or what the lack of the social safety brings. The contrast to being safe is the feeling of danger. The essay contains the attempt of an analyse the safety feeling within disable people. When we talk about safety of disable people, their own capabilities might not be good enough. The government should ensure that the disable people will feel safe and none of the social dangers like: starvation, homelessness, unemployment, lack of medical and rehabilitation support or problems to get the right education, will be a reason to exclude them. The technology progress gives disable people an inclusion to the social life. We need to take advantage of the economic development but also the society education to make sure that disable people will be included in the social life and stop feeling discriminated or pushed away.


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How to Cite

Żuk, J. ., & Walczuk, M. . (2019). The social safety of disable people. Disabled Student. Sketches and Theses, 17(17(10)2017), 29-39.