About the Journal


The journal "Disabled Student. Sketches and Thesis”, published since 1997, deals with the broadly understood issues of inclusive education at all levels of education. It contains studies on theoretical and practical problems in the field of integrative and inclusive education. The authors of the materials published in the journal indicate multiple ways of achieving social integration, achieving social cohesion and interpersonal solidarity.

"Disabled Student. Sketches and Thesis” is also a place to present experiences in the field of inclusive education in Europe and around the world, it contains pactic methodological solutions and scenarios of integration activities, developed and presented by practitioners: teachers, educators, educators, are also a permanent part of the publication.

The presented content is aimed at creating an inclusive environment, developing social awareness, changing the way of thinking about people with disabilities, their place and role in society.

The journal "Disabled Student. Sketches and Thesis” is intended for teachers and students, parents of children with disabilities, social workers and people who work with people with disabilities on a daily basis.

ISSN: 1689‐6416


INDEX: ERIH Plus, Biblioteka Nauki, CEON, CEJSH, Index Copernicus, Baza Wiedzy UPH

LICENSE: Creative Commons - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0 Polska


PUBLISHER: University of Siedlce  Scientific Publishing House UwS, ul. Żytnia 17/19, DS. 5, 08-110 Siedlce, wydawnictwo-naukowe.uws.edu.pl