Uwagi na temat roli chrześcijańskich elementów w tradycji dynastycznej monarchii kongijskie




Słowa kluczowe:

History, Kongo, court ceremonies, Christianity


Objects connected with political authority played important role in court ceremonies and rituals in the Kingdom of Kongo. Some of them were local
Kongolese origin other were Eureopean borrowings. Many of them were strictly connected with important events of early Kongo history dealing with the accepting of Christianity in the Kingdom of Kongo. Their origins were recalled during public ceremonies and these explanations became important part of royal dynastic tradition, which legitimised the authority Afonso’s I successors until the late 19th century. Christians objects played important role besides local ones.


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2019-08-29 — zaktualizowane 2013-09-08

Jak cytować

PIĘTEK , R. . (2013). Uwagi na temat roli chrześcijańskich elementów w tradycji dynastycznej monarchii kongijskie. Historia I Świat, 2, 23–38. https://doi.org/10.34739/his.2013.02.02