Warszawa i Lublin jako główne ośrodki obywatelskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w Królestwie Polskim w 1915 r


  • Danuta SOWIŃSKA



Słowa kluczowe:

Polish Kingdom, Warsaw, Lublin, civil justice


The emergence of civil justice after the evacuation of Russians from the Polish Kingdom in 1915. This is one of the most important moments in the history of Polish judiciary. After more than a century of power invaders there is a chance to regain control over the administration and the judiciary. Polish lawyers had hoped that the occupiers leave the judiciary in their hands. Warsaw and Lublin - the fastest two centers operating in the Kingdom have become a role model for other courts. Regulations approved by the Committee of Citizens in Warsaw described the organization of the local judicial institutions. Its provisions became a model for the courts of Lublin, modifications resulted only from local relations. In addition to the changes in the organization and structure of the judiciary was introduced innovations in the rules of substantive law, both civil and criminal. They eased and modernize the existing legislation of the Russian case studies. The need for the establishment of the civil courts, as well as their functioning efficiently also testified by the number of pending cases. Polish lawyers hope to permanently take over the judiciary in the Kingdom were quickly snuffed out by the occupation authorities. Both in Warsaw and Lublin Polish citizens' initiative was considered as illegal and brought to its liquidation. However, experience has resulted in a few weeks on September 1 IX 1917 at the time of the recovery from the hands of the occupiers of justice.


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2019-08-28 — zaktualizowane 2015-09-16

Jak cytować

SOWIŃSKA, D. (2015). Warszawa i Lublin jako główne ośrodki obywatelskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w Królestwie Polskim w 1915 r. Historia I Świat, 4, 305–336. https://doi.org/10.34739/his.2015.04.15