Принудительная миграция трудовых ресурсов (на примере депортации немцев в Хакасию) = Prinuditel'naya migratsiya trudovykh resursov (na primere deportatsii nemtsev v Khakasiyu)




Słowa kluczowe:

deportation, labor, Russian Germans, Khakassia, repression, stalinism


In the article on the basis of archival materials (The state archive of the Russian Federation, The state archive of the Krasnoyarsk territory, The national archive of the Republic of Khakassia) considers the process of forced labor migration as a result of deportation of Russian Germans during the war. Analysis of archival information led to the conclusion that the labor resources of the germans were used in agriculture, logging and industrial enterprises.


Brak dostępnych danych do wyświetlenia.


2020-10-02 — zaktualizowane 2020-10-02

Jak cytować

СТЕПАНОВ, М. (2020). Принудительная миграция трудовых ресурсов (на примере депортации немцев в Хакасию) = Prinuditel’naya migratsiya trudovykh resursov (na primere deportatsii nemtsev v Khakasiyu). Historia I Świat, 9, 147–154. https://doi.org/10.34739/his.2020.09.09