Scientific Belts as a Factor of National Integration on Poland's Leaders at the time of the 19th and 20th centuries



Słowa kluczowe:

partitions, scientific societies, scientific conventions, disintegration and integration, struggle for independence


In the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century Polish scientific and professional communities took action to tighten contacts between compatriots living in the area of the three partitioning powers, and the emigration. This was a response to the unsuccessful attempts at regaining independence by using weapons. Engaging in scientific activity and building relations were supposed to replace the armed struggle. It meant that connections were established between Polish scientific societies, and first of all, conventions were organised. The initiatives taken on this forum served the development of Polish science and helped Poles to act collectively, which gradually assumed an organised form embracing the three partitions. Polish scholars also aspired to establish a common representation on the international forum. Such initiatives taken by scientific and professional communities largely contributed to the restoration of independent Poland.


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2018-06-30 — zaktualizowane 2018-06-30

Jak cytować

CABAJ, J. (2018). Scientific Belts as a Factor of National Integration on Poland’s Leaders at the time of the 19th and 20th centuries. Historia I Świat, 7, 209–219.