Refleksje nad bezpieczeństwem wychowania człowieka w wybranych koncepcjach psychologicznych i pedagogicznych


  • Andrzej Pieczywok


The article focuses on selected areas relating to man’s safety in the psychological and pedagogical educational concepts. The psychological and pedagogical concepts outlined in the article are complementary and by stimulating one another they open paths for further research. Each of them refers to many aspects and educational situations. Each of them contains the most important issues connected with the shaping of the individual feeling of safety as well as the shaping of personality. These concepts present many factors which threaten man’s feeling of safety. These are, for example: lack of stability, impossibility to predict situations, non-standard or abnormal life situation (in the educational sense), lack of appreciation, respect and kindness from others; lack of help, support and solidarity; lack of friendships, colleagues and affiliations with respected groups; awareness of one’s own limitations in relation to safeguarding one’s own welfare (goods and values); a sense of threats and unfavourable prospects; lack of success in life and of one’s own initiatives and activities etc.


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Jak cytować

Pieczywok, A. (2019). Refleksje nad bezpieczeństwem wychowania człowieka w wybranych koncepcjach psychologicznych i pedagogicznych. Doctrina. Studia społeczno-Polityczne, 7(7), 123-130.