NATO w impasie? Perspektywy rozwoju


  • Adam Ilciów


In last 20 years NATO has been changed considerably, the number of members has boosted, the area of NATO members has accrued, the engagement beyond area of NATO members has grown, the list of potential threats has been widen. Many authors try to indicate the directions of NATO development. There are some important indidvidual interests of NATO members. They may be achieved due to being a part of NATO. Many European countries are NATO members, these who are not, they can not be or do not want to be NATO members because of different reasons. The cooperation of NATO and European Union is very important for the future of NATO. Some strategic concepts and decisions can be made due to relations NATO–EU–Russia. The meaning of these relations are growing in accordance with economic, political and military development of China, India and Brazil. The only strong Europe and strong NATO can be the real partners for them. The new strategic concept of NATO is only the beginning of building new relations.


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How to Cite

Ilciów, A. (2019). NATO w impasie? Perspektywy rozwoju. Doctrina. Social and Political Journal, 8(8), 89-99.