Kościół w przeciwdziałaniu ubóstwu i wykluczeniu społecznemu


  • Leon Szot


Poverty and social exclusion are always present in the lives of individuals and communities, and even the largest financial support is not capable of eliminating them. The subject of social integration plays a preponderant role in actions which strengthen the inner structure of a human, and fight off any form of poverty and social exclusion, therefore the European Union seeks ways of reacting to social exclusion. There is a meaningful deficit in the contemporary, European social thought in the field of indicating Christianity as a standard accompanying people in different aspects of their lives. It seems that the best solution in the range of creating an ethos for helping the needy is the example of the good Samaritan. The following article is aimed at increasing the value of the fundament of appropriate social relations, which is social love belonging to the canon of principles regulating social life as a royal way of the Church’s social science.


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Szot, L. (2019). Kościół w przeciwdziałaniu ubóstwu i wykluczeniu społecznemu. Doctrina. Studia społeczno-Polityczne, 7(7), 159-166. https://czasopisma.uws.edu.pl/doctrina/article/view/1433