Zarządzanie ochroną informacji w systemach zarządzania kryzysowego


  • Jan Pilżys


We live in a world of new technologies, communication services and online informations. It has an influence on social relations, including increasing the capacity of communication and information exchange at national and international levels. This development brings the advantages and disadvantages, especially in the dissemination, collecting and processing of data in networks and telecommunication systems. These informations may be disclosed or protected by official secret. Anyone with such informations should secure them against eavesdropping, stealing, falsification, destruction of data, disclose issues, computer viruses, fire, electrical disturbance, water, atmospheric discharges, etc. All of these can cause the loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability of data in networks and telecommunication systems. The way to secure informations is to use safer techniques and electronic technologies. Thats why managers (agents for the protection of classified informations, personal data) are needed, defined as the organizers of specific activities, responsible for the development and use of resources at their disposal to protect informations. Thats why the knowledge of the law is needed which should help to develop information security policies, including procedures to be followed in emergency situations in case of information security incidents.


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Jak cytować

Pilżys, J. (2019). Zarządzanie ochroną informacji w systemach zarządzania kryzysowego. Doctrina. Studia społeczno-Polityczne, 7(7), 131-140.