China as a Pretender to the Role of Hegemon in the 21st Century




China, hegemon pretender, hegemony, influence, stabilizing factors


In the 21st century, China has rapidly improved its position on the international arena thanks to its economic, military, technological, and information development. This situation introduced a kind of destabilization due to the possibility of changing the polarity of power, putting China in the position of a pretender to the role of hegemon. The dynamically developing state constantly strives for the highest possible level of development of the elements of the hegemonic state. A political system different from that considered appropriate by most countries in the world means that the competition for power in the world takes place not only in the United States – China realationship, but also in the form of a rivalry between democracy and autocracy. Playing with global situations is one of the unwritten privileges, which is why the fight for influence in the world becomes one of the most important undertakings for a pretender to the role of the hegemon.


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13.04.2024 — Updated on 26.04.2024


How to Cite

Elak, L., Brysiak, K., & Zygo, K. (2024). China as a Pretender to the Role of Hegemon in the 21st Century. De Securitate Et Defensione. Security and Defense Journal, 9(2), 149-169. (Original work published 2024)