Profil kolokacyjny employment i work w brytyjskim prawie pracy



Słowa kluczowe:

język prawa, kolokacja, synonim, korpus, prawo pracy


The paper investigates the collocational profile of two words of similar meaning, i.e. employment and work, in the UK employment law. The study is intended to shed some light on the behaviour of the two words in the specialist language context of UK employment law. It is a corpus study based on a corpus of 12 UK employment statutes compiled for the purpose of analysing this area of English legal language. The empirical material is collected and processed with Sketch Engine, a corpus analysis tool. In particular the study looks at (a) the status of the words as terminological units and synonyms, (b) word combinations in which the words appear in the corpus, (c) the meaning that the context of use implies, and (d) the potential benefits of such empirical material in the area of foreign language for special purposes use. The findings suggest that employment and work are synonyms, yet they are used in different word combinations in the context of UK employment law which may derive from the strictly legislative context that does not welcome synonymy.


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Profil kolokacyjny employment i work w brytyjskim prawie pracy. (2023). Conversatoria Linguistica, 15.